Days Gone Pantalla Negra A Guide to Fixing The Black Screen

In the gaming world, “Days Gone” has gained immense popularity for its thrilling storyline and captivating gameplay. However, some players have encountered a frustrating problem known as “Days Gone Pantalla Negra” or the black screen issue. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on troubleshooting and fixing this problem for a seamless gaming experience.

What is “Days Gone Pantalla Negra”?

“Pantalla Negra” translates to “black screen” in Spanish, and the issue refers to players experiencing a black screen while playing “Days Gone.” This problem can occur for various reasons, ranging from hardware issues to software glitches. Fortunately, there are several steps you can take to resolve the “Days Gone Pantalla Negra” problem and get back to enjoying the game.

Common Causes of the Black Screen Issue

Graphics Driver Compatibility: 

Outdated or incompatible graphics drivers can often lead to display issues, including a black screen. Ensure that your graphics drivers are up-to-date and compatible with the game.

System Requirements: 

“Days Gone” has specific system requirements, and if your hardware does not meet them, you may encounter performance issues, including a black screen. Check the official system requirements for the game and upgrade your hardware if necessary.

Game Settings: 

Incorrect in-game settings can also contribute to the black screen problem. Make sure your graphics settings are configured appropriately for your system.

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Troubleshooting Steps

1. Update Graphics Drivers

To address potential compatibility issues, it’s crucial to keep your graphics drivers updated. Visit the official website of your graphics card manufacturer and download the latest drivers for your specific model.

2. Verify System Requirements

Confirm that your PC meets the minimum system requirements for “Days Gone.” If your hardware falls short, consider upgrading components such as your graphics card, CPU, or RAM to ensure optimal performance.

3. Adjust In-Game Settings

Access the in-game settings menu and adjust graphics settings to a level that suits your system’s capabilities. Lowering the graphics quality can often resolve performance-related issues, including the black screen problem.

4. Check for Software Conflicts

Other running applications or background processes may conflict with “Days Gone,” leading to the black screen. Close unnecessary programs and disable background processes to free up system resources.

5. Verify Game Files

Corrupted game files can result in various issues, including the black screen problem. Use the platform-specific method (Steam, Epic Games Store, etc.) to verify and repair the game files.


Q1: How can I update my graphics drivers?

A1: To update your graphics drivers, visit the official website of your graphics card manufacturer (NVIDIA, AMD, or Intel) and download the latest drivers for your specific model.

Q2: What are the minimum system requirements for “Days Gone”?

A2: The official minimum system requirements for “Days Gone” include [list system requirements].

Q3: Can I play “Days Gone” on a system below the minimum requirements?

A3: While it may be possible, playing below the minimum requirements could result in performance issues, including the “Days Gone Pantalla Negra” problem. Upgrading your hardware is recommended for optimal gameplay.


Experiencing a black screen while playing “Days Gone” can be frustrating, but by following the troubleshooting steps outlined in this guide, you can address the “Days Gone Pantalla Negra” issue effectively. Remember to keep your graphics drivers updated, ensure your system meets the game’s requirements, adjust in-game settings, check for software conflicts, and verify game files to enjoy a seamless gaming experience. If the problem persists, consider reaching out to the game’s official

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